Phosphates, Arsenates and Vanadates

Phosphates are salts of phosphoric acid. Their main representative is apatite. Apatite and several other phosphorus minerals are of magmatic origin. After weathering of phosphorus-containing minerals in the soil, phosphorus enters plants and with them into the skeletons, teeth and faeces of vertebrates. Guana (seabird droppings with a high phosphorus content) are significant on the Pacific coral islands. Arsenates are salts of arsenic acid. Arsenates include Adamine, Euchroite, Tyrolite, Zalesiite. Vanadates are salts of vanadium acid. Vanadates include Vanadinite. More info

Phosphates are salts of phosphoric acid. Their main representative is apatite. Apatite and several other phosphorus minerals are of magmatic origin. After weathering of phosphorus-containing minerals in the soil, phosphorus enters plants and with them into the skeletons, teeth and faeces of vertebrates. Guana (seabird droppings with a high phosphorus content) are significant on the Pacific coral islands. Arsenates are salts of arsenic acid. Arsenates include Adamine, Euchroite, Tyrolite, Zalesiite. Vanadates are salts of vanadium acid. Vanadates include Vanadinite.

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