
Arsenopyrite is a sulfide of iron and arsenic, FeAsS. The name is after the old term "arsenic pyrite", named in 1847 by E.F. Glocker. Although described earlier by G. Agricola. It occurs in various associations. It is abundant on hydrothelial veins of the Sn-W type or quartz veins with gold. The color is steel and pewter gray with a yellowish tint. They most often form grains, granular and massive aggregates, but with well-limited columnar crystals More info

Arsenopyrite is a sulfide of iron and arsenic, FeAsS. The name is after the old term "arsenic pyrite", named in 1847 by E.F. Glocker. Although described earlier by G. Agricola. It occurs in various associations. It is abundant on hydrothelial veins of the Sn-W type or quartz veins with gold. The color is steel and pewter gray with a yellowish tint. They most often form grains, granular and massive aggregates, but with well-limited columnar crystals
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