Corundum var. Ruby

The name ruby ​​comes from the Latin word "rubeus", which means "red". It is a variety of corundum with an admixture of chromium. The oldest written records of ruby ​​mining mention the mines in Myanmar, from which these beautiful minerals got to ancient Greece, Egypt and other countries. Burmese rubies are still considered the most valuable in the world - they have the so-called color of pigeon blood, and many of them also fluoresce red in visible light. More info

The name ruby ​​comes from the Latin word "rubeus", which means "red". It is a variety of corundum with an admixture of chromium. The oldest written records of ruby ​​mining mention the mines in Myanmar, from which these beautiful minerals got to ancient Greece, Egypt and other countries. Burmese rubies are still considered the most valuable in the world - they have the so-called color of pigeon blood, and many of them also fluoresce red in visible light.
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