
Scheelite forming intergrown octahedral crystals from the Yaogangxian mine in Yizhang County, Chenzhou, Hunan Province, China.  This heavy, golden-orange dipyramidal crystals with edges up to and exceeding 6,1 cm in length, some of which become semi-transparent in areas where the colour intensifies. Under short wave ultraviolet (SWUV) light the Scheelite fluoresces bright cream to snowy-white.

Origin Asia » China » Sichuan » Pingwu » Xuebaoding Mt., Huya
Size category Miniature (4-7 cm)
Size 6,3 x 5,2 x 4,8 cm
Weight 219 g
The biggest crystal 6,1 x 5,2 x 3,9 cm


Scheelite was named in 1821 by Karl von Caesar Leonhard in honor of the Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele (1742-1786). Scheelite is clear, grayish-white, brownish, yellow, orange and reddish, its gloss is greasy. It occurs on Sn-W deposits in greisen, as well as in skarn, erlan and hydrothermal veins.


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